Jig Saw Continents

Titan's pie

The Expanding Earth Theory

Morgana Le Fay

Kym Opolaya

This painting is being painted and is not posted yet. It shows 4 women on a planet that is pockmarded by hundreds of craters . The women are measuring them to see that they are circular .Here is the theory behind the image

Craters And Meteor Strikes

Astronomers say Earth is due for a cataclysmic meteor strike in the future. Accordingly, they believe past catastrophic meteor strikes have happened repeatedly. However, they also believe erosion and volcanic activity have hidden most of these ancient impact depressions.

Conveniently, the planets and moons in our solar system have similar pockmarks. Importantly, these depressions show a pattern that dispels the theory of significant random meteor strikes. In reality the larger the craters, the earlier it was made, except in rare cases that are blurred and hard to see.

The Sequence of Crater Creation

The drawing on the top left shows the order of crater formation. The drawing on the top right almost never exists. 

Subsequently, over time, craters on the planets, moons, and asteroids have been progressively smaller. Additionally, craters are almost always circular.

Her are a few examples in the photographs circled in red in the second photograph.

The picture on the right is one of the few cases where it is slightly unclear that the smaller crater is superemposed on the larger. However the edges seem to indicate that the smaller crater was made after the larger.

Craters shown on an asteroid, picture on the left, show similar indentations order of craters  to craters that are found on planets and moons.


As stated, craters are circular. Therefore if an impact created them, the trajectory would have to be at 90 degrees to the Earth.

eNevertherless, most photos show the path of meteors with a low angle that would create an elliptical  impact depression.

Pictures of meteor strikes, notice the low angle.

However, craters caused by explosions from within the planets or moons would be circular. Also many different substances, like water and methane could cause these explosions. 

Craters in the Arctic caused by methane explosions.