Static at Play

Aura of Earth

Closeup of Painting

An aura of light enveloping the Earth 

It was Robert J Van de Graaff  and his collegue Nicholas Burke at  Prinston Univeersity, who developed the first Van de Graaff Generator. It was after looking at the Van de Graaff generator and thinking of the Earth’s ionosphere as a generator as a possible source of enormus quantities of static electricty that I  saw that this may give rise to gravity.  The rays of light that show in the Aura the envelopes the Earth can be seen because rays of dust and matter are being illuminated Planets that have low gravity levels may simply have vestiges of a once much more powerful gravity  that is disapaiting as their atmosphere has disappeared into space.

Statue of Liberty

Description of Painting


The painting shows the goddess Hecate, ruler of the Earth, sea, and sky. She is a guardian of borders, crossroads, boundaries, and the in-between spaces. She is critical to uncovering secrets of what lay beyond the boundary between the natural and the supernatural, a goddess of magic. The cuckoo and black dogs are always with her and accompany her as part of the frame.  The frame also holds to candlelabras symbolizing the torch hecate usually carries. Today’s best-known sculpture of Hecate is the Statue of Liberty in New York. She is known as the protector of travelers and Guids people at Crossroads, with seven rays for the seven seas and continents radiating from her crown. Her hair forms an aura in the painting with more than seven rays. The Earth has become a Van de Graaff generator.
An interesting probability is that the name Catherine is from Hecaterine, which may derive from Hecate.

The current theory has expanded the universe since the Big Bang 13. 8 billion years ago. The resulting dust and debris combined matter’s gravitational attraction and molded this material into the planets, stars, and asteroids.
However, as the National Center for Science Education states, “The Universal Theory of Gravity taught today is not a good theory” ( and not
understanding gravity is a significant weakness in understanding the universe.
The Earth/Moon may have been created replete with most of the elements found on Earth today, including water. (see the painting Catherine Van de Graaff as Hecate)
The universe has been expanding for 13. 8 billion years.