Armageddon and Bureaucratic Breakdown

Bureaucratic breakdown, Armageddon, Harmagedon, Har Magiddo, Al-Malhama

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Tanning Factor Zero

Destruction may seem malignant, but it can be part of natural growth. Seeing only the negative results may stop the ability to build the future. Misunderstanding global warming may make correcting climate change difficult or impossible, and disasters like floods and temperature changes will last 100,000 years; see the Bering Strait Dike Fund painting and its description. Similarly, Isaac Asimov looked at the rise and fall of civilizations in his Trilogy, Foundation. He saw the loss of knowledge as the key to how long it takes to rebirth a civilized world. Likewise, man’s lack of curiosity into ancient climate history will set the world into a climate maelstrom, much like Asimov’s predictions for Trantor.

Brahma Before He Closed His Eyes

The Painting’s Description

 “In the Blink of an Eye” symbolizes time. Brahma is portrayed with four heads, each reciting one of the four Vedas. He is shown holding objects representing his power and wisdom: pearls, a silver bowl, a book, and a spoon. The lotus, symbolizing Brahma’s birth in water, ties him to the navel of the supreme being. A swan, flying overhead, is his carrier or vehicle. His eyes are open.” open..

Detail of Painting

Brahma's Eyes Close To The Philosophers

The Blink

 “Brahma is usually depicted with his eyes closed. When Brahma’s eyes close, even with a blink, the world is destroyed. When his eyes open, it creates a new world. Brahma gives man the key to his destiny. Wisdom keeps his eyes open as new ideas and thoughts are embraced and studied. He closes his eyes when we shut out new ideas and leave thinking to the ‘educated philosophers’ of science, religion, and government.

    How long is a blink? There is no answer. Like a point in Euclidean geometry, “Time has no dimension, no duration, no past, no future, and no speed,” only position. We are always in the present. How long does it take to lose wisdom and destroy the world? How long does it take to gain insight into creating one?
Time is arbitrary, calculated between starting and endpoints, by an hour, a day, a year, the blink of an eye, or a billion years. It is all the same. The vertex of the timelines forms a time angle of dis-similarity. Yet with the same starting point as rays in geometry. Time will appear faster or slower on each path. The connection of these timelines that will meet will create a way or passage of time that will either slow or speed the passage of time to cause the separate times to correlate.
The mystery of how action takes place is a profound one. Our thoughts often reside in the future or the past. So, how can our present thoughts initiate a movement? It must be a simultaneous and instantaneous operation. This understanding is crucial in unraveling the nature of the soul and its plane of existence.


  Momentum is not action. It is a constant, always in force, and a facet of movement. In addition, friction is also a facet of momentum. There is no beginning and no end. The universe is a continuum, churning and flowing like a tide. For example, the “Big Bang” we see as the beginning is only one of infinite compressions and expansions.  Consequently, this is only part of the endless universe.

Ignorance and Knowledge

    Here, I combined the aspects of Ultimate Reality, Brahman, the creator,Brahma, the preserver, Vishnu, and the destroyer, Shiva, into Brahma.
Brahma built the universe as a spider spins her web. “When we look within, Brahma is Consciousness-Force. When we look without, Brahma is Self-Manifestation. When we think of Brahman with the mind, earth-bound mind, limited mind, sophisticated mind, unaspiring mind, our life becomes sheer frustration. But when we meditate on Brahma in the heart, our life becomes pure illumination in the silent recesses of the heart”. Brahma is at once the eternal unborn and eternal birth and growth. Brahma is ignorance-night and knowledge-light. Brahma, the ignorance night needs total transformation. Brahma, the knowledge-light, needs complete manifestation.


    Momentum is not action; it is a constant, always in force, and a facet of movement. Friction is also a facet of momentum. There is no beginning and no end. The universe is a continuum, churning and flowing like a tide. The “Big Bang” we see as the beginning is only one of infinite compressions and expansions. This part is the endless universe.

Coatlique, Earth Goddess/Serpent Skirt


It is a story told by many religions. Through their gods, they foretell creation and destruction cycles. The goddess Coatlicue controlled the cycles of the Aztecs of Mexico. 

    Coatlique is the Aztec goddess of birth and destruction. Accordingly, she, like Brahma, see a cyclical fall of mankind. It is inevitable. One example of a source of catastrophic breakdown is our reliance on computers. To illustrate solar flares, like the one of September 1859, unleashed a powerful electrical storm. Afterward, the solar eruption induced electrical currents, set telegraph offices on fire, and sparked dramatic displays of northern lights over Cuba and Hawaii.

But will the internet, hard drive, and all of the myriad of mini-computers survive?

Even Mini-computer would be destroyed.

    Consequently our cars and refrigerators will not function. All computers will be destroyed and may even catch on fire . This event will happen again. A similar storm today would destroy all major civilizations. Millions, perhaps billions, would die. “Lika Guhathakurta, a solar physicist at NASA headquarters, said. “Modern society depends on high-tech systems such as smart power grids, GPS, and satellite communications — all of which are vulnerable to solar storms.” [Infographic: Anatomy of Sun Storms and Solar Flares] from Staff | June 22, 2011, 06:40 pm ET

Genetically Engineered People

The fear that genetically designed individuals or androids may supersede mankind. Yuval Harari in his book talks about the biological engineering of man’s genes. He fears that if we redesign mankind, we risk losing our flexibility. Some people have traits needed only in emergencies. Designing characteristics out of our makeup could prove to be a disaster. People like Winston Churchill are vital in surviving disasters like World WarII. These traits could be bread out of man only to lead to future catastrophes. We have made mistakes with hormones, antibiotics, mono-crop culture, pesticides, fertilizers, and weed killers. Have we suddenly become gods?

A Look And The Farm Industry

    Looking at how we farm gives a clear view of how much man does not understand or respect life. Whether the animals we put into unnatural pens take the babies away from their mothers, give them synthetic food  and  corn, trapped behind bars. IE chickens, pigs, cows, fish, or the way we use monoculture to produce thousands of acres of fields set aside with one crop. Disease, weeds, and hormones. GMO crops and us, rotational diet?


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Description Of The Painting

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   Montreal is a bilingual city. For 100 years, English was the dominant language until the turn of the 20th century, when a French majority emerged.

In 1763, the Proclamation Act, a pivotal moment in Quebec’s history, made Quebec a British colony. Following the American Revolution, over 100,000 English Loyalists fled to Canada, 10,000 settling in Quebec and 5,000 in Montreal, which at the time had 5,0000.

In the 19th century, an influx from England and Scotland transformed the city into an English-speaking hub. However, the late 19th century saw a significant shift as French speakers from the Quebec countryside migrated to Montreal, gradually establishing French as the majority language but still with English as the language of business and commerce. These historical linguistic shifts shaped the city’s identity and connected us to our past, making Montreal rich in cultural history.

In 1976, the Quebec P.Q. government began erasing the city’s English heritage, changing street names and signage to French. This included removing the English word “STOP” from bilingual stop signs and replacing them with “ARRÊT.” However, this created a new problem when it was discovered that in France stop signs have “STOP” only, and France considers it a French word. As a result, Quebec started replacing the signs with “STOP” only, resulting in all three variations being potentially visible when driving in Quebec.

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